Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Valley

The Valley of Adam-ondi-Ahmen is a beautiful wide open space that during the summer was beautiful but extremely hot. Now I'm from NOLA and we do heat down there, but for some reason this particular heat was just more. The day was slightly overcast at this point of the morning so the sun wasn't a full strength and for that I am glad. As it was we were seriously soaked with sweat making our way around this small area. I'm not a cold weather person at all ( I blame being in the south for over 15 years now) but at this moment I wished for cold weather. Then we made it back to the car and I was good again with just the AC.

The Valley is a bit off the beaten path, I wondered if we were even going in the right direction more than once, but it was worth the drive. There was only one other couple walking around and they left shortly thereafter leaving the four of us alone. We wandered around for about an hour at the top of the hill and then made our way to the lower portion of the site. (See where the pictures of the bees are and that is from the lower site.) After about an hour, which in that heat felt like two, we climbed back into the car and made our way the hour back to Kansas City. If you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints you will be familiar with the valley and the importance of this beautiful location. I for one cannot wait myself!

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