Monday, July 30, 2012

Dixie, it's not just a brand name

So the other day I started watching that CW (I KNOW! Don't judge me) show Hart of Dixie. I'm a sucker for a TV show set in the south, even though they rarely get things right in how southern towns look. I've lived in the South nearly my entire life, minus the 4 years on Cape Cod and the 4 years in D.C. and honestly I don't see myself living any place else. Sure I love to go visit and quite honestly when the temps get up there and the humidity is nearly 100% I'd enjoy living in say Alaska, but otherwise I'm quite content with living in the south. I know we have our fair share of the issues and sure we're not perfect, but then again who really is perfect? Besides perfect is not something you can define, it differs from person to person. Seriously though, I love being from the South. And on a good day my accent isn't nearly that thick y'all. 

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