Monday, February 18, 2013

My one thing

Eleanor Roosevelt is attributed with saying "Do one thing everyday that scares you." Today I think I sufficiently lived up to that statement. Most of you know the reason, but for those who don't sorry I'm not sharing at this point; not because I don't want to share with you the reason, but more to protect myself if things don't work out according to my plan. I will say it's is nothing dangerous - okay maybe it's a little dangerous because of the major risk associated with the long term repercussions of the decision, but one I'm willing to take because sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.

Completely how I feel!
 I know we all at one point or another in our lives feel like we are stuck in one of these kinds of ruts. We start to let the daily activities wear on us and before we know it we are walking and breathing the phrase "same crap, different day." I don't think we're always aware of being stuck in these ruts either until it's too late, until we've reached the point we're so embedded into them we need something drastic to shake it up for us. In this case mine was very much embedded in me and it's going to be a tough habit to break. You see I've been in college since 1999. No really- I've been in college for the better part of 14 years. Now I will say I have completed 2 undergraduate degrees and almost finished my master's degree, but still 14 years. Now I will say it hasn't always felt like a rut and I genuinely enjoy learning. However, the time has come to bid it farewell and get on with life, which leads me right back to my original thoughts.

I initiated the process not long ago and now it's starting to become real because more and more things are moving along with the changes. It's scary to me to think of making the leap because it's not one I imagined I would make for a few more years. Yet I made the decision and haven't really looked back. Even with more information coming I still feel at peace with the decision and move forward with having the full support of my family. For me that's a major aspect, knowing my family is supportive of the decision and how awesome they've been in giving me advice and encouragement. Eleanor was right, we need to do that one thing because sometimes we need that one thing to pull us up from the rut and back on our paths again.

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