Sunday, February 10, 2013

And the next destination is.... 

 We're going to Ireland!!!!!!!!!!!! We've been kicking the idea around a for while and we finally made the decision to just jump in and go. :) We were originally planning on using the same company we used last time, but things have changed so we decided to go this around on our own. It's a tad bit nerve racking to do this without a plan and itinerary {I'm a MAJOR fan of planning and lists} up front like from London, Paris, and Rome; but it's going to be okay. We are still in the figuring out stages and finding plane tickets, but WE'RE GOING TO IRELAND!!!!!!!!!


  1. I gave Stef some ideas. Bartlett gave me some good places to go see. From what I've heard, Ireland is a good place to go "by the seat of your pants." He told me how they ended up spending a couple hours in one town because the road took them through the middle and the towns people decided to have an impromptu bowling game in the middle of the streets.

  2. What!! That's awesome! I hope they randomly want to bowl while we are there! I think that is what we are going to do - fly by the seat of our pants. We talked about starting in Dublin and then traveling around the entire country and ending back up in Dublin. We'll see how it all works out though. I'm just super freaking excited we are going to Ireland period.
