Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 6

Regardless of the rather vocal feelings towards the election, I am grateful for the opportunity to express my feelings through voting. In the 10th grade I had a really great history teacher, who's name at this moment I cannot remember, but she said something which has remained with me all these years. Without any reservation she told our class that we had a duty to be informed voters and that if we didn't know where a candidate stood then we should do the country a favor and not vote on something we didn't understand. Now, as a 10th grader who really didn't have much of a concept of politics I didn't quite understand what she meant, but years later I can see why she spoke so emphatically. I realize the responsibility we have in voting because of the impacts upon others because of their votes.

My parents always stressed the importance of being an educated voter as well. They taught us how we needed to know the issues, needed to know the candidates before we voted. I'm so thankful for their willingness to teach us and for not always sheltering us from everything. I don't mean they didn't try to protect us, or were not protective of us being children and having a childhood. Instead I mean they taught us as we grew. I'm so thankful for that because as an adult I feel like I can make more informed decisions. But this isn't about my parents tonight!

I'm thankful for the opportunity to exercise the right to vote. Thankful for the women who fought bravely and valiantly for women's right to vote. I don't think they ever thought of the huge impact their actions would have over 91 years later. The suffrage movement isn't something I'm overly familiar with as I was a World History major rather than an American History major, but I've read some of their stories and wow I don't know if I would have the fortitude to face the challenges they faced. It's incredible to think of their zeal and fight.

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