Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 4

 Okay I know how this looks. Posting food and then saying I am thankful for food. But eh this is what I am thankful for today, especially since I didn't have to cook today :) I am thankful for food, not because of the nourishment it provides to the body, but also the soul. Food is a pretty important part of any culture and in my family food plays a major role in everything we do. I remember being a child and sitting around the dinner table listening to the adults chatter on about whatever it was adults talked about then. I remember being slightly in awe of those dinners and thinking I couldn't wait until I was old enough for those conversations. I did eventually reach the age, but things had changed since then. We'd lost plenty of those who used to sit at those dinner tables, but the memories still remain. I'm thankful for the memories that food conjures up. I'm thankful that at times when I smell something I am immediately transported back to a time when we
had that dish for dinner. I am thankful for the familiar and comforting smells that come from the my mother's kitchen and how it seems to envelope you in a comforting blanket and for a brief moment everything is right in the world. And I'm thankful for the memories that remain no matter how long time passes.

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