Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life Happens while we make other plans

So to say I've been absent is a little bit of an understatement. And it's for a good reason. I've been working like a dog. Seriously I feel like a pack mule most days as I cart my office with me in and around the two counties I service. But in all honesty I love my job and my work is needed so I'm not going to complain. Due to the sensitive nature of my work I won't divulge much, but I will say I work with a state agency that helps individuals connect with services they need including medical and supportive supplies. It's quite a change from the previous line of work at a university, but I enjoy the work. I am constantly on the move and no two days are the same so it keeps my seriously scattered brain under tight control. Sadly it also means that school is suffering just a little bit more. But I have come to the realization that my job isn't based on my GPA so enough of the stressing myself out over it.

That phrase is a little hard to swallow since from the beginning I've been all about graduating with honors. Two B's shot that down since to do so I need a 4.0 in the program and I'm not going to retake classes for my GPA. (Although many know I am retaking a class now but that's another story for another time.) I'm something of an overachiever so admitting that straight A's are not my life is something of a major step. Sure has not been easy, especially since I'm currently running behind on an assignment that I'm losing five points for every day and naturally I'm blogging rather than writing a stupid paper. Writer's block, what can you say it kills us all at the worst of times.

We've had a bit of an upheaval in the living situation. Nothing that I'm sad about really. Just time to move forward with that part of life. It hasn't been an easy thing though and caused a day of scrambling, but in the end how it worked out is far better than the situation before.Seriously the feeling in this house is completely different and we've all made that comment now. Interesting how you know something should change but you don't say it because you figure you can live with it until it is over. I think we rob ourselves of something when we do this. We take away a part of our own happiness for the sake of pleasing someone else and in the end it's us who suffers the most. Change is never an easy process. Right now I feel like things are rapidly changing but it is all for the best. I think there is something about the weather that makes change easier. It is easier to handle when it doesn't feel like the center of the sun outside and the leaves are a pretty color rather than just green. I'll end here before an ode to fall begins in earnest and I'm still here in the morning!


  1. So glad that the apartment is now kosher! Ü

    BTW...is your company hiring? ;-)

  2. Unfortunately not at the moment, but I know of one place that is hiring health care staffing.
