Thursday, April 3, 2014

My problem with self pity

One of the top questions I've gotten is how I'm doing since last Friday. Most of the time you ask me this question I'm going to respond that I'm doing okay and for a majority of the time I really do mean I'm okay. Sure I wasn't planning on being let go, but really what kind of choice do I have in the matter. The cards were dealt and unfortunately they did not go in my favor. The last thing I need to do is sit home and think about how bad I feel because this happened to me. As I said before I'm not someone who sits and pities myself for something I don't have in life. Sitting around and feeling sorry for myself and sucking the joy out of someone's happiness does not change my own situation, it only makes me a bitter and unhappy person. I've seen it happen before and in the end if we allow those feelings in our life we only hurt ourselves not the other person.

Gods light | April 2013 LDS general conference memes | Deseret News
A few years ago I served as the Gospel Doctrine teacher. Not always the easiest of callings because of the depth of the material, but I will say it was one of my favorite callings thus far. It challenged me in so very many ways and really brought about a long standing love of reading the Pauline epistles. I love reading through his words and pulling from those pages such great advice and reminders. One of my favorite scriptures, and one which right now is written on my bathroom mirror, is Romans 4. The entire chapter is in regards to Abraham and his life. If you haven't  read this chapter I highly encourage it because of just how inspiring Abraham was in his life. The verse though is verse 20: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; How awesome is that?! If you know anything about Abraham then you know of the struggles and trials he faced in his life. Now he's no Job and we all know the trials he faced, but Abraham still faced many difficulties in his life. I love the thought that somehow through them all Abraham remained steadfast and faithful. This is why I have a problem with self-pity. If we are truly moving forward with faith then we find self-pity has no place in our lives because we come to understand others have is their path in life and ours doesn't have to exactly resemble their path.

I know my trials seem small and mundane to others, but they are my trials and challenges I face. I am trying to continue forward with faith and looking to the future with hope because in the end those two, faith and hope, are what has carried so many before me through worse situations. I'm looking forward to General Conference this weekend and hearing the inspired words from our church leadership. It never ceases to amaze me how much I gain from their words and insight. What great blessings we can pull from their words and apply to our lives and how fortunate are we to be able to hear them as they happen.